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Cockney Rhyming Slang

The most popular example of Cockney rhyming slang.

Rhyming phraseMeaning
Adam and EveBelieve
Alan WhickersKnickers
Apples and pearsStairs
Barnet FairHair
Bird limeTime (prison sentence)
Boat raceFace
Boracic lintSkint
Brown breadDead
China plateMate
Daisy rootsBoots
Dog and bonePhone
Donkey's earsYears
Duchess of FifeWife
Frog and toadRoad
Gregory PeckNeck (or cheque)
Hampstead HeathTeeth
Loaf of breadHead
Mince piesEyes
Mutt and JeffDeaf
Plates of meatFeet
Rosie LeeTea
Ruby MurrayCurry
Syrup of figWig
Tit for tatHat
Trouble and strifeWife
Whistle and fluteSuit

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