Best for crosswords, codewords, sudoku & other puzzles, games and trivia
Daily Quick Crossword |
Daily Cryptic Crossword |
Daily American Crossword |
Daily Codeword |
Daily Sudoku |
Daily Word Search |
Block Champ |
Ballistic |
Tap Zap Boom |
Mah Jongg Solitaire |
Jigsaw |
Landing Party |
Outspell |
Picture Pieces |
Trizzle |
Tumble Tiles |
Word Wipe |
Canfield Solitaire |
... and much more |
Useful resources for every crossword solver, whether novice or expert.
CataList Crossword Solver |
Over 100 word list categories such as Aircraft, Clothing, Composers, Flowers, Heraldry -
designed for finding the solutions to awkward clues. |
Cryptic Crossword Tutorial |
An excellent introduction to cryptic crosswords for beginners. |
Cryptic Crossword Dictionary |
For all cryptic crossword solvers, a dictionary of the words that have special or hidden meanings in cryptic crosswords. |
Crossword Who's Who: American Edition |
A who's who of crossword constructors, editors, bloggers, solvers and other puzzling people involved with American crosswords. |
Crossword Who's Who: British Edition |
A who's who of crossword setters, editors, bloggers, solvers and other puzzling people involved with British crosswords. |
Best for Puzzles © 2019 - best for crosswords, codewords, sudoku & other puzzles, games and trivia