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Catalist Crossword Clue Solver

Clothing - 11 letters

You searched for Clothing with 11 letters and pattern = ???????????

Number of words found = 69

If you need further information on any of the results, use the Instant Lookup links.

These provide convenient one-click links for finding further information

W = Wikipedia

O = Onelook

D =

ResultsNotesInstant Lookup
Bathing suit W   O   D
Battledress W   O   D
Bedizenment W   O   D
Bell-bottoms W   O   D
Bib and brace W   O   D
Boiled shirt W   O   D
Boxer shorts W   O   D
Boxing glove W   O   D
Breechcloth W   O   D
British warm W   O   D
Cancan skirt W   O   D
Cap and bells W   O   D
Cavalier hat W   O   D
Cervelliere W   O   D
Chapeau-bras W   O   D
Chapel de fer W   O   D
Cholera belt W   O   D
Clodhoppers W   O   D
Cowboy boots W   O   D
Crash helmet W   O   D
Deerstalker W   O   D
Dinner dress W   O   D
Diving dress W   O   D
Dolly Varden W   O   D
Dreadnaught W   O   D
Dreadnought W   O   D
Evening gown W   O   D
Farthingale W   O   D
Formal dress W   O   D
Hacking coat W   O   D
Hand-me-downs W   O   D
Hiking boots W   O   D
Hobble skirt W   O   D
Hostess gown W   O   D
Houppelande W   O   D
Leather coat W   O   D
Matinee coat W   O   D
Middy blouse W   O   D
Morning coat W   O   D
Mortarboard W   O   D
Neckerchief W   O   D
Nightingale W   O   D
Overgarment W   O   D
Oxford shoes W   O   D
Panty girdle W   O   D
Penguin suit W   O   D
Phrygian cap W   O   D
Pilot jacket W   O   D
Regimentals W   O   D
Riding habit W   O   D
Running shoe W   O   D
Shell jacket W   O   D
Slumberwear W   O   D
Snap-brim hat W   O   D
Soup-and-fish W   O   D
Spatterdash W   O   D
Stocking cap W   O   D
Swagger coat W   O   D
Swallowtail W   O   D
Tam o' Shanter W   O   D
Trencher cap W   O   D
Trouser suit W   O   D
Underthings W   O   D
Walking shoe W   O   D
Wedding gown W   O   D
Wellingtons W   O   D
Windbreaker W   O   D
Windcheater W   O   D
Widow's weedsW   O   D

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