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Catalist Crossword Clue Solver

Drinks - 8 letters

You searched for Drinks with 8 letters and pattern = ????????

Number of words found = 86

If you need further information on any of the results, use the Instant Lookup links.

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W = Wikipedia

O = Onelook

D =

ResultsNotesInstant Lookup
Absinthe W   O   D
Advocaat W   O   D
Aleberry W   O   D
Alkermes W   O   D
Amaretto W   O   D
Ambrosia W   O   D
Anisette W   O   D
Aperitif W   O   D
Armagnac W   O   D
Beverage W   O   D
Blue ruin W   O   D
Bock beer W   O   D
Bordeaux W   O   D
Bucellas W   O   D
Bullshot W   O   D
Burgundy W   O   D
Cafe noir W   O   D
Calvados W   O   D
Champers W   O   D
Charneco W   O   D
China tea W   O   D
Cider-and W   O   D
Cider Cup W   O   D
Ciderkin W   O   D
Cocktail W   O   D
Coca-Cola W   O   D
Daiquiri W   O   D
Digestif W   O   D
Dogsnose W   O   D
Dom Pedro W   O   D
Drambuie W   O   D
Dubonnet W   O   D
Earl Grey W   O   D
Eau-de-vie W   O   D
Espresso W   O   D
Florence W   O   D
Fruit cup W   O   D
Galliano W   O   D
Gin and It W   O   D
Gin sling W   O   D
Green tea W   O   D
Guinness W   O   D
Herb beer W   O   D
Highball W   O   D
Hollands W   O   D
Hydromel W   O   D
Ice-water W   O   D
Jack Rosecocktail W   O   D
Lemonade W   O   D
Muscadel W   O   D
Muscatel W   O   D
Near-beer W   O   D
Nightcap W   O   D
Peatreek W   O   D
Pick-me-up W   O   D
Pink ladycocktail W   O   D
Prunelle W   O   D
Red biddy W   O   D
Resinata W   O   D
Riesling W   O   D
Root-beer W   O   D
Ruby port W   O   D
Rum punch W   O   D
Rum-shrub W   O   D
Salty dogcocktail W   O   D
Sangaree W   O   D
Sauterne W   O   D
Schiedam W   O   D
Schnapps W   O   D
Sillabub W   O   D
Skim milk W   O   D
Skokiaan W   O   D
Slivovic W   O   D
Small-ale W   O   D
Smoothie W   O   D
Souchong W   O   D
Sour milk W   O   D
Spritzer W   O   D
Syllabub W   O   D
Tia Maria W   O   D
Verjuice W   O   D
Vermouth W   O   D
Vin blanc W   O   D
Vin rouge W   O   D
Wish-wash W   O   D
YoghourtW   O   D

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