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Languages - 8 letters

You searched for Languages with 8 letters and pattern = ????????

Number of words found = 74

If you need further information on any of the results, use the Instant Lookup links.

These provide convenient one-click links for finding further information

W = Wikipedia

O = Onelook

D =

ResultsNotesInstant Lookup
Akkadian W   O   D
Albanian W   O   D
Armenian W   O   D
Assamese W   O   D
Assyrian W   O   D
Balinese W   O   D
Bhojpuri W   O   D
Biscayan W   O   D
Bohemian W   O   D
Chaldaic W   O   D
Cherkess W   O   D
Cherokee W   O   D
Cheyenne W   O   D
ChibchanFamily of languages W   O   D
Comanche W   O   D
Corsican W   O   D
Croatian W   O   D
Cushiticgroup of East African languages W   O   D
Cyrillicalphabet used by many Slavic peoples W   O   D
Dzongkha W   O   D
Estonian W   O   D
Etruscan W   O   D
Fanagalo W   O   D
Frankish W   O   D
Friulian W   O   D
Gadhelic W   O   D
Galician W   O   D
Gujarati W   O   D
Gurkhali W   O   D
Hawaiian W   O   D
HiraganaJapanese syllabic writing W   O   D
Hiri Motu W   O   D
Illyrian W   O   D
Japanese W   O   D
Javanese W   O   D
Kanarese W   O   D
KatakanaJapanese syllabic writing W   O   D
Kashmiri W   O   D
Khoikhoi W   O   D
Kolarianlanguage group W   O   D
Kwakiutl W   O   D
Landsmål W   O   D
Lusatian W   O   D
Maithili W   O   D
Malagasy W   O   D
Mandarin W   O   D
Menomini W   O   D
Moldovan W   O   D
Mon-Khmerlanguage group W   O   D
Muskogee W   O   D
New Norse W   O   D
Old Norse W   O   D
Phrygian W   O   D
Pig Latin W   O   D
Polabian W   O   D
Romanian W   O   D
Romansch W   O   D
Rumanian W   O   D
Sanskrit W   O   D
Scythian W   O   D
Seminole W   O   D
Shoshone W   O   D
Shoshoni W   O   D
Slavoniclanguage group W   O   D
Sumatran W   O   D
Sumerian W   O   D
Tahitian W   O   D
Tigrinya W   O   D
Tok Pisin W   O   D
Tungusicfamily of languages W   O   D
Tuvaluan W   O   D
Volscian W   O   D
Yanomami W   O   D
YanomamoW   O   D

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