Best for crosswords, codewords, sudoku & other puzzles, games and trivia
A dictionary of words and phrases often encountered in cryptic crossword clues - words that may mean something more, or something other, than is indicated by their surface meaning.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D or the letters SAT, SUN, MON, etc.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter Y.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D.
Possibly a subtraction indicator signifying the removal of an initial letter.
Possibly a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters ROT.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters KO.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D.
(See NATO Phonetic Alphabet).
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters NO or NAY.
French denial may indicate NON; German denial may indicate NEIN.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly a subtraction indicator signifying the removal of a final letter.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters CID.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D or the letters ICE.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter N or E or S or W or a group of letters such as NE or SW or SSE.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters CD.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly a subtraction indicator signifying the removal of one or more central letters from a word.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters WALT.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly a hidden word indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly a container-and-contents indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
1. Possibly a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters DR or DOC or GP or MD or MO.
2. Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter G.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May indicate someone who something that draws (in any sense), e.g. TUG, PEN, CRAYON, ARTIST or possibly TOWER.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters DRAM, NIP, SIP, SUP, etc.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters ALE, GIN, RUM, TEA, etc.
For more names of drinks, see Drinks.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters DR.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter E (ecstasy) or H (heroin) or the letters POT.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters TT or SEC or BRUT.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter O.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D.
Errors or omissions? Please let us know
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