Best for crosswords, codewords, sudoku & other puzzles, games and trivia
A dictionary of words and phrases often encountered in cryptic crossword clues - words that may mean something more, or something other, than is indicated by their surface meaning.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters MME.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
Possibly a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters SEA.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter Y.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
(See International Vehicle Registrations).
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters RUN.
1. Possibly an anagram indicator.
2. Possibly a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters RAN.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters MS.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating a Roman numeral: X or L or C or D or M.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters OS (Ordnance Survey).
Possibly a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters RM.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter X (as in marking a ballot paper).
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters AGE.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters SOS.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters EM or EN or ELL, CC, FT, YD, etc.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters MP or ARM or LEG.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter R.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter I.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter A.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters IF.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
(See NATO Phonetic Alphabet).
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly a subtraction indicator signifying the removal of an initial letter.
Possibly a subtraction indicator signifying the removal of a final letter.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter T (as in Model T Ford).
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters IT (Information Technology).
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter L (£) or P (pence) or CASH or TIN (old slang).
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M or an abbreviated month - JAN, FEB, MAR etc.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters AM.
Possibly a subtraction indicator signifying the removal of a final letter.
Possibly a subtraction indicator signifying the removal of a final letter.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters MA, MUM, DAM, etc.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters AA or RAC.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter M or the letters MI (the crossword equivalent of M1).
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters MT or IDA or NAG, PONY, STEED, etc.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters ALP.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters UP.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
In a cryptic crossword, MUSICAL frequently denotes CATS, HAIR or EVITA.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter X.
Errors or omissions? Please let us know
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