Best for crosswords, codewords, sudoku & other puzzles, games and trivia
A dictionary of words and phrases often encountered in cryptic crossword clues - words that may mean something more, or something other, than is indicated by their surface meaning.
Possibly a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters ROC, (the former Royal Observer Corps).
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter W.
Possibly a container-and-contents indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly a subtraction indicator signifying the selection of alternate letters from a word.
Possibly a subtraction indicator signifying the omission of alternate letters from a word.
1. Possibly a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters SP (starting price).
2. Possibly a subtraction indicator signifying the selection of alternate letters from a word.
Possibly a hidden word indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter F.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters CO, CAPT, COL, GEN, LT, etc.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter O.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter S (shilling).
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters OE.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter D.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters OT.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters A or AN or I.
Possibly a homophone indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters OP.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters OPS.
1. Possibly an anagram indicator.
2. Possibly a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters OBE.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter Y.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter E.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter E.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter O.
(See NATO Phonetic Alphabet).
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters OZ.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters BAN.
Possibly an anagram indicator.
1. Possibly an anagram indicator.
2. Possibly a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letters ILL.
Possibly a container-and-contents indicator.
1. Possibly a reversal indicator.
2. Possibly a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter O (as in cricket).
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter X.
Possibly a homophone indicator.
Possibly a reversal indicator.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter X.
May be a bits-and-pieces indicator indicating the letter O.
(See Symbols for Chemical Elements).
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